“All Healing Starts from the Inside Out,” Says Shehera Mocellin, a Transformative Coach Helping People Tap Into Their Innate Capabilities to Heal

Shehera Mocellin, a spiritual healer and transformational coach, provides a whole new perspective to the claim that healing starts from within. According to Shehera, healing is a continuous process that can only be achieved if your mind, body, and soul are aligned in true unison. Through her coaching programs at “Anahata Holistic Healing,” Shehera empowers her clients to discover their potential to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

“My holistic health and healing techniques are about optimizing each person’s innate capabilities to heal themselves so they can be in control of their vitality,” says Shehera. She believes that each person is born with spiritual powers, which remain dormant until one learns to mine them. These are the kind of innate abilities Shehera wants her clients to discover.

Before starting her soulful career as a holistic healer, Shehera worked as a high profile executive in the fashion industry. While it seemed like she was living her dream life, traveling to countries all across the globe, Shehera was suffering and working tirelessly to the point where she had to make many trips to the emergency room. She suffered from various health concerns, including panic attacks,anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances and weight gain. Soon after, Shehera decided to reevaluate her career choices and drifted toward her true passion: healing.

Having experienced the powers of healing herself, Shehera is of the resolute belief that healing can only be achieved through self-reflection. She is of the opinion that if one suffers from an illness, chances are that their heart and actions are not aligned. Shehera wants people to cultivate a sincere relationship with their hearts,  allowing them to unearth their deep-rooted issues, be they spiritual, physical, or emotional.

When asked what sets her business apart from others in the field, Shehera stated, “I believe everyone in the healing realm has a unique medicine they offer, and their alchemy, along with their clients is what creates the healing balm. I bring my decades of life wisdom through my struggles and wins and share them.”

Shehera aims to continue to expand her business in the near future with additional offerings. Being a philanthropist at heart, her purpose is to help her clients achieve the same spiritual bliss she achieved. Link

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