“Health Coaching Industry Could Be a Legitimate Answer to All Lifestyle Diseases,” Says Metabolic Mentor and Health Entrepreneur Vince Pitstick

Vince Pitstick has been in health coaching for 17 years. He claims to be the best in the industry, which is now worth $7.9 billion. No doubt mere ‘claim’ doesn’t lay credence to anyone’s abilities but having observed the achievements of Vince and the number of people he has helped, it becomes hard to unbelieve it.

He has another concern nowadays. According to international organizations’ research, 70% of the world will be suffering from some kind of ‘lifestyle’ disease by 2030. To counter this impending storm of ailments, Vince believes the time to act is NOW.

That’s why Vince has dedicated himself to chipping in and utilizing his talents and skills in health coaching in order to create a sustainable health system. “I am dedicated to changing the way health services are delivered in America and abroad by revolutionizing the health coaching industry,” says Vince. He added that he intends to do so by introducing health coaching into the medical field as a legitimate answer to solve the growing pandemic of lifestyle diseases around the world.

His argument weighs substantially. Health coaching is as essential in today’s age as teaching. Frankly speaking, we have no or minimal regard for our health. There is often little to no check over what goes inside us. As a result, several diseases call our bodies their home. Though these diseases don’t necessarily surface right away, gradually, they keep gnawing us from inside.

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What’s worse, in such a scenario, instead of finding a medical professional, we resort to self-medication which may give us timely relief, but the real cause of the disease remains glossed over. Eventually, when the worst happens, either it is too late to start the treatment, or the situation gets to the extent where it takes ages to get healed.

That is what’s happening in most health systems around the globe. With very few health coaches, personalized care has become a dream.  In such a scenario, Vince is cautious of the future but is equally optimistic. He is striving to streamline the health coaching system into the American health system, later on expanding it abroad.

In order to pursue this goal, Vince Pitstick left the job of functional medical consultant at Metagenics Inc. and started Nutrition Dynamics, a company that specializes in developing programs to assist people in fitness and health coaching virtually via diet plans, workouts, supplement schedules, community, client course, and live video coaching sessions.

And he has done an excellent job on that front. It needs only one look at the clients’ success stories to validate his success in the field. The company employs over 60 staff today and has a client base of 1000 with thousands already treated globally.

Vince’s Instagram: @Vince_Pitstick

Nutrition Dynamic Instagram: @Nutrition_Dynamic

Metabolic Mentor University Instagram: @MetabolicMentorUniversity


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