Inventor Curren Krasnoff Explains How Duplicent Can Help Reduce Climate Change

Climate change, propelled by pollution, is impacting our world in unimaginable ways. Temperatures continue to increase worldwide, causing unprecedented shifts in precipitation patterns. These repercussions, terrible and increasingly inevitable, are driving inventors and entrepreneurs like Curren Krasnoff, the man behind Duplicent (, to do something about it

A goal of Duplicent—Latin for “double,” “multiply by two,” “enlarge,” and “increase”—is to use its technology to delay global warming by significantly reducing carbon emissions. To this end, Duplicent has developed plans for a Liquid Metal Shooting Fusion Reactor that produces clean and abundant energy via heated liquid metal that is fired through numerous shooting tubes positioned around a core. The liquid metal, discharged into the core in a timed manner, compresses two plasma shots fired into the core that meet in the center. When the liquid metal surrounds and compresses the plasma shots to form a fusion reaction, the heat of the reaction is absorbed into the liquid metal that was used to develop the fusion reaction, further heating the liquid metal.

After the fusion process, the heated liquid metal is harvested and used to create electric power, and once the liquid metal is cooled it is reused to generate more fusion reactions. Curren explains that Duplicent’s fusion reactor, while based on previous heated liquid-metal fusion reactors, has been modified to produce more significant plasma compression and has a smaller core to better conserve the fusion reaction’s heat in the liquid metal.

Such innovations, designed to help counteract the advance of climate change, contribute to the possibility of a better future.

Duplicent is also working on other technologies in various development stages. Cloud computing architectures, braking technologies, earthquake mitigation technologies, computer memory technologies, phones, aircraft, and engines are among the other technologies for which Duplicent has filed patents. In its efforts to make its technology as widely available as possible, it employs both a licensing and self-commercialization strategy across its technologies.

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