Meet Armeen Jasavala, the Future of Lifestyle Content Creation

Armeen Jasavala was born in Toronto, Canada, but moved to Mumbai when she was 25. It was there that she met her husband and also completed her master’s course in Homeopathy, a holistic form of medicine. The ten-year journey in Mumbai has been eye-opening, and only now she has begun to call it her home. 

Being an introverted child, Armeen always expressed her ideas through arts and music. She has won awards in academics and athletics, and her love for nature and music at a young age paved the way for unique development. Music became a source of healing for the content creator amidst her troubles with settling into a different life in Mumbai and career fatigue. It was music that helped her to regain her lost focus and become more aware of what is really important in life.

Her father’s heart attack at a young age was very difficult for her to process, although it sparked an interest in the then-16-year-old Armeen to learn how the human body works. She wanted to pursue traditional medicine, starting with a program at the University of Toronto that enabled her to get a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Health and Education. This was when she came across the concept of “Holistic medicine”, which changed her perspective on treating disease and illness. Unlike traditional medicine, which focuses on specific aspects of the body and treating each part separately, she learned something that changed her perspective completely – the holistic approach had an all-encompassing, health-oriented treatment, focusing on the connections between the body, mind, and emotions. This was the type of medicine she wanted to practice.

Armeen, without a doubt, is bringing a new perspective and fresh ideas to the table when it comes to lifestyle. She has the capacity to become the future of lifestyle content creation and is motivating her audience to adopt a holistic lifestyle, which is only beneficial for the future. She looks at the bigger picture and allows her followers to do the same through her content. Other than discovering the purpose of life and taking care of one’s mental health, she continuously stresses practicing gratitude and mindfulness for those everyday moments that are easily taken for granted or passed by. 

Her innate creativity and passion for holistic approaches to life have allowed her to create holistic lifestyle-based content on Instagram, where she has been a strong advocate for living naturally and mindfully.

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