Meet the Driving Force Behind Meaghan Long Virtual Solutions

Life’s journey can often resemble a complex maze. Some individuals are fortunate to receive a clear map to success, while others must venture forth without guidance. The dividing line between those who thrive and those who stumble often hinges on the unpredictable circumstances they face. Conquering these challenges might seem like a steep uphill battle. Yet, armed with perseverance and determination, it’s entirely possible to rise above these circumstances and grasp the golden ring of success.

Meaghan Long is an example of such tenacity. Despite facing many setbacks in life, she managed to rise above them and establish her successful company, Meaghan Long Virtual Solutions and Freelance to Freedom.. Today, she resides in New Brunswick, Canada, enjoying a fulfilled life with her husband, son, and two thriving businesses. However, her journey to this point was not a straightforward one.

From an early age, Meaghan wrestled with mental health issues, primarily depression and anxiety. The painful divorce of her parents left a lasting impact on her adolescent mind. Before she even turned eighteen, she had left home, dropped out of school, and began working.

In her quest to find meaning in life, she resorted to partying, and staying in harmful relationships. All this while battling depression, anxiety, and anorexia.

As she approached her 30s, Meaghan realized that she had not made significant strides in her professional and financial life. After spending nearly 16 years in the restaurant industry and exploring other opportunities with no success, she decided to take control. She chose sobriety and moved to start anew.

To find the support she needed, Meaghan joined a program where she met women who faced similar challenges. The camaraderie she found in shared experiences led to deep friendships and fueled her venture into the world of business.

In 2021, after becoming a mother, Meaghan decided to work from home as a virtual assistant. Find success quickly in the industry, doubling her maternity pay, and booking out with clients in 6 weeks. She leaned on coaches to learn how to scale, and her passion to support other women blossomed into a Virtual Assistant coaching program, Freelance to Freedom

Despite the harsh circumstances life dealt her, Meaghan overcame each hurdle and experienced a transformative journey. Her story highlights the power of taking that initial step towards self-improvement and seeking the necessary assistance.To know more about Meaghan and her businesses, visit their website here.

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