“Your Biggest Achievement Is to Be Happy with What You Do,” States the Mexican Author, Pedro Bori

It’s basic human nature that we don’t know when to stop and always seek more. But there are times when you arrive at self-actualization and feel like you have arrived on the right path, leading you towards your destiny. Meet Pedro Bori, a Mexican author who considers his content state of mind and happiness with where he is, his biggest achievement in life.

Life was never rainbows and sunshine for Bori. He was the only child to a single mother, and when the family started to grow, he couldn’t handle the issues of a growing family and left home to seek his goals. The dream of becoming a writer took him places. He lived in fifteen cities and five countries all his life. On the go, he met several new people and realized that life is never easy for anyone. Everyone is struggling with something in their lives. Seeing so much pain transformed Bori’s goal, and he desired to reduce people’s pain and make their lives better through his writing.

Bori has a degree in psychology, which enables him to understand people in a better way. He made this his goal to help people with whatever he does. He published three books and hoped that his work would positively influence people and they could relate to the characters. In his second book, he writes about affecting parenting in the hope of saving people from painful parenting. He also works with an NGO and helps children and families to cope with the effects of violence in Mexico. 

Bori went through depression when he wrote his 1st book, heard negative and abusive remarks about his work, got discouraged that he wouldn’t achieve anything from these books, but he never gave up. He moved on and never looked behind. Along with writing, Bori also works as a game developer, with his second game in the developing process. He is also a personal coach to train and help people improve their lives. When life presented him with lemon, Bori made lemonade and enjoyed it at his best. Bori is satisfied with what he has achieved and where he is today, loving his writing, helping people, and game development work with healthy habits and a better lifestyle.   

Do you want to know more about him or his work? Visit his IG profile or website:



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