The Inspiring Story Of Zachary Reality: A Famous Host And Content Creator

Zachary Reality was born and raised on Long Island, New York. With his parents together until he was 16 and a tennis court in his backyard, he had a really privileged childhood. He, on the other hand, grew up queer. The pressure he felt from a young age to hide and internalise who he was since, at the age of seven, he began to be called names for having a girly voice and liking theatre.

He enjoyed theatre and plays, and he was the leading person in the majority of the musicals he performed at sleepaway camp and for the school system. However, when Zachary was in middle school, kids began to bully him because of his participation in theater. They said to me that you are a playwright, and plays are gay. For nearly ten years before coming out of the closet, he was continuously mocked for being gay. He spent many years in middle and high school attempting to fit in before giving up and spending the rest of his adolescence hidden in his room. He spent those years binge-watching Survivor and The Bachelor since reality television provided him with an escape.

When his parents divorced, he was 17 years old. At that time, he moved out of his five-bedroom childhood home and shifted into a modest apartment. It could have been a disaster for his depression, but it was the moment he was forced to leave the childhood bedroom where he had been hiding from the world, that he was forced to open up to life. After that, he gradually began to live it and reclaim control of his life. 

Zachary Reality has always been a hard-working person, and when he first started broadcast journalism in college, it became clear that he wanted to work in the entertainment industry. But, more particularly, a reality television one, because he has always liked reality television. He believed that moving to Los Angeles soon after college, where he studied at a little New Jersey school, was the start of his entrepreneurship journey. Zachary moved to Los Angeles at the age of 22 with no job or plan in mind. He worked as an uber driver for the first several months since he did not want to work for just anyone. He wanted to be his own boss. Now, Zachary has his own brand named Zachary Reality.

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