We live in a society where we have always seen fitness from the lens of weight loss. It has become an inherent approach that you must lose weight, have a strict diet, and cut on your calories if you want to live a healthy life. The typical mindset is that you only need a gym or a workout routine if you are not skinny…which is absolutely wrong. Fitness is fulfilling your body’s needs to keep it healthy and fully functional despite your body weight. Hoping to transform the social perception, Carly and Maddie Biron, the young fitness trainers from Framingham, are strongly advocating the idea of “health at all sizes” through their fitness business.
The Biron sisters grew up to be division 1 swimmers from Framingham, MA. They attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst and used their Kinesiology degree and swimming experience to start their fitness business. They leaped into action the day the world shut down owing to the COVID-19 virus to show people who they were and what their business was. They began offering FREE online sessions every day so that people could work out at home, even if they didn’t have access to a gym or exercise equipment.
They didn’t have a clear idea of their exact plan at the start, so they just dove right in. They found their footing as the months passed. For the first three months of recordings, the pair did not charge their viewers because they videotaped themselves working out in the backyard of their family home in Framingham. After two weeks, they switched from Instagram LIVE to Zoom videos, which allowed them to interact with their audience more.
Carly and Maddie aren’t concerned with the number on the scale or the weight people lose. Built by Biron is founded on the basis that not everyone is on a weight-loss quest, which many gyms fail to recognize. Their motto is “Health at All Sizes’’. The sisters say that some people only want to get stronger, some want to build a gym habit, others want to acquire perfect form, and yet others want to stay precisely where they are. Hence they do not stress the importance of losing weight or burning calories; instead, they emphasize the small changes that can significantly influence a person’s entire mental or physical health.
They encourage people of all shapes and sizes to use their fitness routine through their podcast “Eat the Damn Cake” in a very light and lively manner. If you are a fitness enthusiast and want to maintain an incredibly healthy lifestyle, Built by Biron is the perfect place for you.
Bobbie is an articulate, confident person who relishes challenges and working under pressure. Her greatest strengths are her research, communication and writing skills. Over the past seven years, more than 200 of her articles and publications have been published by leading newspapers and magazines.